What has blockchain got to do with NFPs?

Blockchain is going to make it easier for organisations to emerge and offer services where trust is important in their interactions, and where existing services are not delivering on this trust…


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An Introduction about Istio

Istio is an open source project by Google which enlarges Kubernetes into the higher level services. It offers deep insights into the deployment of service mesh through logging, monitoring, and tracing.

Istio is the implementation of sidecar functionalities and the features required while managing and creating the microservices. The parts of this project integrate monitoring, tracing, circuit breakers, fault injection, timeouts, mirroring, access control and rate limiting.

Istio is different from other open-source projects as it helps in getting the benefits of parts without any changes to the source code. With the use of sidecar model, it runs in the container of Linux in the pods of Kubernetes. It enables users to connect, control, secure and observe the services.

Istio makes it effortless for creating a deployed services network with the aspects like service-to-service authentication, load balancing and monitoring without any modifications in the service code.

Istio is designed for meeting the needs of deployment and the extensibility. The use of Istio must be included because of the following features:

• A layer of pluggable policy and configuration API supporting the controls of access, quotas and rate limits.

• Load balancing is automatic for TCP traffic, WebSocket, gRPC, and HTTP.

• The traffic behavior is of fine-grained with the rules that are rich routing, failovers, retries, and fault injection.

• Service-to-service communication is secure in a group, including cluster egress and ingress.

• It supports the stuff like SDS on the level of proxy and has a system for management supporting the aspects like A/B testing and fault injection.

• Presently, Istio is a proxy and management layer on top of Kubernetes which aids in featuring the roadmap that is ambitious.

• Istio is robust and runs in the scenarios of the world that are real at 2 million requests per second.

Istio security policy

Istio authorization assures that services with the sensitive data are only accessible for the clients who are authenticated and authorized.

Authentication policy

Istio’s policy of configuration configures the platform authentication server side, but it never imposes the policy on the client side. It enables the user for specifying authentication services requirements.

Role-based access control (RBAC)

Istio RBAC offers the level of namespace, service and method level access control for services in the Istio Mesh. It integrates the role-based semantics that is easy-to-use, an authorization that is end-user-to-service, and service-to-service. It offers flexibility with the support of custom properties in role-bindings and roles.

Mutual TLS authentication

Istio augments the microservices security and their communication for both the aspects, i.e. service-to-service and end-user-to-service without necessitating the changes in service code. It offers an identity that is strong and role-based to let interoperability across clouds and clusters.

Istio acts as the robust enabler for any business to have the state art and the containerized environment of production. The development speed and adoption has been accelerating and has become synonymous with the service mesh. So, if you want to ensure successful network service deployments then include Istio now.

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